2018年度 - グローバル交渉と国際対話 - 筑波英語模擬国連(TEMUN):組織
情報伝達力?コミュニケーション力養成 科目群 (01ZZ3**)_2018
科目番号 | 01ZZ341 |
授業科目名(和文) | グローバル交渉と国際対話 - 筑波英語模擬国連(TEMUN):組織 |
授業科目名(英文) | Global Negotiation and International Dialogue - Tsukuba 365体育投注 Model United Nations (TEMUN), Organization |
授業形態 | Lecture & Practice |
標準履修年次 | 1-5 |
開設学期 | Autumn B |
曜時限/開講日 | Nov 23(Fri)10:00-12:30, Nov 24(Sat)10:00-12:30 & 15:15?18:00, Dec 1(Sat)12:15-18:00 |
教室 | Joint Use Facility Building A203 |
単位数 | 1 |
担当教員 |
オフィスアワー等 |
教育目標との関連 | Nowadays, organizing skills and experiences of conferences, symposia, or events represent valuable assets in any workplace (research institutions, public agencies, UN bodies, private companies, NGO/NPO, etc.). Leadership is another crucial skill needed in |
授業の到達目標 | ○ To get accustomed to formal expression in 365体育投注 and successfully practice them following an indicated time schedule while playing the role of a chairperson at an UN-type conference. |
授業概要 | Students will experience how to manage an international conference as a conference chair, a committee chair, and/or a MC. They will acquire management skills for organizing an international event by being involved in the Tsukuba 365体育投注 Model United Nations (TEMUN) steering committee. In the classes, students will learn specific terms and expressions to conduct a conference, and practice their knowledge during the preparatory course (see the syllabus of the course 01ZZ331). Through the participation in the TEMUN committee, students will practice their leadership skills, will plan and implement PR strategies and thus, will learn to overcome own passivity and fears and to become actively engaged during the event. During the TEMUN conference (see the syllabus of the course 01ZZ321), students will aim to formally speak and behave, in experiencing to carry out a conference following the rules of procedure. After TEMUN, there will be a post-event meeting for reviewing the experience. |
Kdb | |
キーワード | TEMUN, Conference management skills, Chair/MC, International conference |
授業計画 | Lesson Contents |
履修条件 | |
成績評価方法 | Based on a post-TEMUN meeting mentioning one's own experiences during the conference. |
教材?参考文献?配布資料 | To be distributed during the course. |
授業外における学習方法 | Students of the course can join the TEMUN organizing committee. |
その他 | Those who want to be enrolled in this course, please contact to the instructor at latest before the end of May (the organizing committee will start the activity in June). |
開講情報 | |
備考 | Class will be taught in 365体育投注. |
シラバス英語 |