2022年度 - Global Communication Skills Training
情報伝達力?コミュニケーション力養成 科目群 (0A002**)_2022
科目番号 | 0A00204 |
授業科目名(和文) | Global Communication Skills Training |
授業科目名(英文) | Global Communication Skills Training |
授業形態 | Lectures and exercises 講義?演習 |
標準履修年次 | 1 - 5 |
開設学期 | 秋AB |
曜時限/開講日 | 11/28, 11/30, 12/1 |
教室 | |
単位数 | 1 |
担当教員 |
オフィスアワー等 |
教育目標との関連 | 修士レベル 博士レベル |
授業の到達目標 | ?自らの知識を柔軟に活用できるようになること |
授業概要 | Precise communication with people having diverse perspectives and personalities is the key to building relationships, and success. Through practices of communication, including effective listening, effective presentation, assertive communication, we help you learn and |
Kdb | https://kdb.tsukuba.ac.jp/syllabi/2022/0A00204/jpn/ |
キーワード | Communication, Active Listening, Constructive Confrontation, Communication Styles, Assertive/Aggressive/Passive Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Effective |
授業計画 | *Understand and practice key aspects of communication Day 1: ACTIVE COMMUNICATION GAMES – followed by SELF-INTRODUCTION (a ppt template will be provided before class) – and, LECTURES on Effective Interpersonal Communication – Effective Listening – THEORY and PRACTICE via the Games, and STUDENT to STUDENT Interaction and Discussions/Group Works Day 3: LEADERSHIP GAME in the morning, and an extended lunch break and preparation time for FINAL ‘short’ PRESENTATIONS in the afternoon session (1 final slide – continued from Day 1/2 Self Introduction ppt) on KEY LEARNINGS and Self Communication Styles/Challenges & DISCUSSION on REQUIRED SKILLS, ISSUES, and PROBLEMS & CHALLENGES – current, and anticipated in the next job-new position. SCHEDULE: NOVEMBER, 2022 / DAYS tbd (to be decided) Timings =9:00 am-16:00 pm x 3 DAYS
履修条件 | TOEIC 500 and over |
成績評価方法 | ①評価方法:授業中の発言など積極参加の態度と、到達目標に沿ったレポートで評価する |
教材?参考文献?配布資料 | Lecture notes (important pointers) will be handed out and uploaded on MANABA; including the lecture records to the participating/registered students |
授業外における学習方法 | ?講義45%、演習55%の時間配分で授業を行う |
その他 | Active participation in discussion is highly recommended. |
開講情報 | 0A00204_POSTER.pdf |
備考 | GGEC_2022_【0A00204】Global Communication Skills Training_POSTER.pdf |
シラバス英語 |