2023年度 - 応用倫理
生命?環境?研究倫理 科目群 (0A001**)_2023
科目番号 | 0A00101 |
授業科目名(和文) | 応用倫理 |
授業科目名(英文) | Applied Ethics |
授業形態 | 講義 |
標準履修年次 | 1-5 |
開設学期 | Fall B?Intensive / 秋B?集中 |
曜時限/開講日 | 11/28,29 9:00~17:00(1 hour lunch break) |
教室 | 理科系C103 |
単位数 | 1 |
担当教員 |
オフィスアワー等 |
教育目標との関連 | 修士レベル |
授業の到達目標 | This course helps you to place ethical concerns within a context of practical issues. You will be able to explain about the importance of properly informed decision-making, concerning your research, science development, human rights, and animal rights/welfare. In particular, for example, you will discuss about how you may untangle the webs of conflicting interests to solve issues related to mercy killing, blood transfusion, and birth control/eugenics by looking at four salient biomedical priciples: autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice. |
授業概要 | As ethical fields for researches and medical treatments have |
Kdb | https://kdb.tsukuba.ac.jp/syllabi/2023/0A00101/jpn/ |
キーワード | 人権(human rights), 生命倫理(bioethics), 研究倫理(research ethics), 産業リスクマネジメント(industrial risk management), 動物の権利?福祉(animal rights and welfare), 生命の質(quality of life) |
授業計画 | Essay assignment: research paperEssay assignment: research paperPlace to submit: Assignment Submission Box in Natural Sciences Bldg. A209 Due: TABPlace to pick up your marked papers: Natural Sciences Bldg. A209 Return Box(mid January)*Or email Matsui for picking up your paper at his office.
? Chicago Manual of Style (University of Tsukuba Central Library call#021.03-Ma48); ? MLA (Modern Language Association): http://www.mla.org/style_faq ? APA (American Psychological Association): http://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html ? Council of Science Editors (CSE)’s Scientific Styles and Format. ? Or use internationally well-recognized academic journals.
Day 1 9:00~9:30 Course Orientation (Matsui) 9:30~12:00 Bioethics, Human Rights, and the Environment (Matsui) 13:30~16:30 Research Ethics(Matsui) 16:30~17:00 Summary & Discussion (Matsui) Day 2
9:00~12:00 Video: “The Cove” (Matsui)
Lecture: Animal Rights and Welfare (Matsui)
13:30~16:30 Industrial Risk Management (Ogami)
16:30~17:00 Summary & Discussion (Matsui)
履修条件 | |
成績評価方法 | ① Evaluation/② Percentage |
教材?参考文献?配布資料 | Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics, 5th edition. Oxford: |
授業外における学習方法 | 環境倫理学概論サイトwww.envr.tsukuba.ac.jp/~envethic/ |
その他 | The course will be taught in 365体育投注. |
開講情報 | |
備考 | ?The course will be taught in 365体育投注. |
シラバス英語 |