


生命?環境?研究倫理 科目群 (0A001**)_2023

科目番号 0A00102
授業科目名(和文) 環境倫理学概論
授業科目名(英文) Introduction to Environmental Ethics
授業形態 講義lecture
標準履修年次 1-5
開設学期 秋B?集中 Fall B Intensive
曜時限/開講日 December 18 & 19, 2023 9:00-17:00 (1 hour lunch break)
教室 Natural Science Building C103
単位数 1
WATANABE Kazuo渡邉和男, MATSUI Kenichi(coordinator)松井 健一(コーディネーター)
Life & Environmental Sciences



In this course, you will be able to develop problem analysis
skill, knowledge management skill and communication skill
regarding your decision about the use of natural resources
and daily activities that directly or indirectly affect the
health of the natural environment. You will also be able to
connect your activities to environmental conservation, water
governance, localized practices, and others.


This course helps you to consider your ethical relationships
to the natural environment. It provides a broad overview of
ethical issues that are pertinent to human-nature
relationships. Our topics include the history of
environmental ethics; international environmental law,
household environmental ethics, water ethics and indigenized
environmental ethics. These wide-ranging topics provide
contexts for you to discuss the ethical, legal, and social
implications of environmental problems, and, in turn, give
us better coordinated directions for achieving environmental
conservation and sustainability. Throughout this course, you
are encouraged to develop and refine your own original and
innovative insights on how humans can better coordinate
their efforts to deal with many regional and global
environmental issues today and tomorrow.

Kdb https://kdb.tsukuba.ac.jp/syllabi/2023/0A00102/jpn/

Environmental ethics, International environmental law,
intellectual property rights, Water governance, Indigenous
peoples and traditional knowledge


Where to submit: Natural Science Bld. A209, report submission box
Deadline: TBA
Where to pick up: Natural Science Bld. A209 report returnbox

For this course, you will submit one written assignment in365体育投注. The topic of your paper can be chosen from thelecture contents of this course. If you have questions aboutthis writing assignment, please feel free to ask thecoordinator of this course. Although you are stronglyadvised to meet the deadlines, if you require extension dueto some unavoidable reason, please contact the coordinatorASAP. In considering the extension, you may be asked tosubmit a proper document.

You may use the following academic style guides for detailedspecifications for writing:
□ Chicago Manual of Style
□ MLA (Modern Language Association):http://www.mla.org/style_faq
□ APA (American Psychological Association):http://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html
□ Council of Science Editors (CSE)’s Scientific Styles andFormat.

Warning on Plagiarism: If one takes the words, ideas, orresearch of another person(s) without proper citation as ifthese were his or her own, such a person is considered tohave committed the act of plagiarism. Plagiarism isintellectual theft and a clear violation of the code ofethics and behavior, which often result into a severepenalty. Some web sites (e.g., Wikipedia) often lurestudents to copy a large portion of its web pages withoutcitation. Please be aware such a work cannot be consideredworth being part of admitting a credit in this course.

<Day 1>
9:00-9:30 Course Orientation (Matsui)
9:30-12:00 History of the Environmental Ethics (Matsui)
<<Lunch Break>>
13:30-16:00 Household Environmental Ethics (Matsui)
16:00-16:30 Discussion
<Day 2>
9:00-12:00 Environmental Ethics and InternationalEnvironmental Law (Watanabe)
<<Lunch Break>>
13:30-15:00 (1) Water Ethics (2) Indigenous Peoples andEnvironmental Ethics (Matsui)
15:15-16:00 Discussion


1 Evaluation/2 Percentage
In-class contribution/ 50%
Essay assignment/ 50%
*Minumum 70% of attendance is required.

3 Comments on Grading Practices for This Course
You may wonder why you received A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, and other grading marks for your paper. Here is roughly what it means.

A+ or A: This paper has an excellent quality in terms of essay organization, writing skill, originality, mature insights, and independent argument. It is based on your considerable research effort and the sound and original interpretation of sources. The paper is also accompanied with clear and appropriate academic citation and references.

A-: This paper demonstrates its good quality of essay organization, writing skill, originality and independent argument in most part of the discussion. It is based on good research effort and the sound interpretation of sources. The paper is also accompanied with clear and appropriate academic citation and references.

A-/B+: This paper has a potential to be qualified as A- paper with some good revision effort.

B+ or B: This paper contains some good quality discussion with independent argument or insight. However, it falls short in essay organization and clarity of its writing. The argument may be inconsistent at some point or not cohesive enough to make a cogent discussion throughout the paper. It is based on some research effort but has a good potential to be improved by more research work and writing refinement.

B-: This paper basically understands the requirement of the course assignment, but falls short in fully expressing the importance of paper topic. It shows some effort of research on the paper topic but do not effectively convey your thoughts and analysis. Or it does not properly cite sources.

C+, C: This paper has some serious problem with essay organization, writing skill, originality and independent argument. It does not seem to respond to the assignment objective properly though it may be greatly improved with further research and writing improvement.

C-: This paper does not seem to understand the assignment objective. It does not seem to be based on research. However, this paper can be improved with additional research effort and better understanding of essay writing.

D: This paper fails to respond to the course requirement. It needs to resubmit or redo the assignment. Or it may have problem with plagiarism or academic honesty.


1. Andrew Light and Holmes Rolston III, eds., Environemntal
Ethics: An Anthology. Blackwell Publishing, 2003.
2. Donald Van DeVeer and Christine Pierce, eds., The
Environmental Ethics & Policy Book, Thomson ordsworth, 2003.


A list of recommended readings will be provided during the
orientation period on the first day. You are expected to use
it for deepening your understanding about lecture content or
what is discussed among students in class.


For this course, you will submit one written assignment in
365体育投注. The topic of your paper can be chosen from the
lecture contents of this course. If you have questions about
this writing assignment, please feel free to ask the
coordinator of this course. Although you are strongly
advised to meet the deadlines, if you require extension due
to some unavoidable reason, please contact the coordinator
ASAP. In considering the extension, you may be asked to
submit a proper document.


?The course will be taught in 365体育投注.

?The course will be conducted in face to face class.

?This course is limited to 30 students.

【0A00102】2023環境倫理学概論 poster.pdf