

Mr. Mose Sakashita and Mr. Ippei Suzuki Won Grand Prize in JASSO's Yushu Gakusei Kensho

(Shown at right in the photo is Associate Professor Yoichi Ochiai of the Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, advisor to the students)

Students in the College of Media Arts, Science and Technology, the School of Informatics, including Mr. Mose Sakashita (fourth-year student) and Mr. Ippei Suzuki (third-year student) won grand prize in the Yushu Gakusei Kensho given by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).

Their research outcome is highly acclaimed in an international academic conference, which led to winning approval from a screening committee of the JASSO's Yushu Gakusei Kensho.