

Dr. Masayuki Matsumoto and Dr. Yuko Shimada will receive Special Recognition from the WCC

On June 14th 2019, the World Cultural Council announced the winners of the 2019 Albert Einstein World Award of Science and Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts. Along with the award winners' names, it has been revealed that two of our faculty members, Dr. Masayuki Matsumoto (Professor, Faculty of Medicine) and Dr. Yuko Shimada (Assistant Professor, Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance), are going to receive special recognition at the award ceremony for their outstanding performance in their respective fields.

On October 4th 2019, the award ceremony will be jointly hosted by the University of Tsukuba and the WCC as a special session at the Tsukuba Conference 2019. There will also be special lectures by the award winners and the President of the WCC.

Further information will be provided regarding the 2019 WCC award ceremony on our dedicated web page at https://tsukuba-conference.com/wcc/

If you would like to know more about the World Cultural Council, please visit their official website at https://www.consejoculturalmundial.org/