Tsukuba Summer Institute 2019 & 10th Anniversary Celebration was held!
The University of Tsukuba Physical Education (TAIIKU) held the 10th Tsukuba Summer Institute for Physical Education and Sport (TSI 2019) for 9 days from July 9 (Tuesday) to 17 (Wednesday). The 10th anniversary event was held on July 14th (Sunday).
There were 60 participants from 15 universities such as University of Queensland (Australia), Ohio State University, California State University, Los Angeles (USA) and 3 from Kanoya University of Physical Education There were a total of 108 students, including 14 trainees (7 countries including Asia and Africa) and 22 university students. In addition, TSI Alumni, who participated in the past TSI and have been active as University teachers (6 from overseas and 4 from Japan) participated in the 10th Anniversary Celebration.
TSI has been held since 2010 and celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. The instructors are researchers and teachers who are active at the global stage, and is centered on faculty members at the university and sports and teachers at partner universities. The program was conducted in 365体育投注, with four basic courses: (1) CoRP (Collaborative Research Planning), (2) SPAC (Sport, Physical Activity and Culture in Japan)? Body culture understanding), (3) LAB (Laboratory workshop: experimental methods such as exercise physiology / biochemistry, neuroscience, rehabilitation), (4) IDS (International Development through Sport) (5) QSPE (Quality School Physical Education: Joint course with JICA Tsukuba trainees, Japanese physical education classes, teacher education and lesson study).
Each course aims to deepen mutual understanding while discussing learning activities such as lectures, exercises / practical training, group discussions, presentations, etc. in 365体育投注 and improving practical skills on specific issues. Beyond the courses, in addition to various exchange programs such as common lectures and poster presentations, BBQ outdoor interaction party, and excursions to learn about each other's specialties, individual research guidance and careers such as studying abroad / consulting with the University of Tsukuba Graduate School. It is also possible to receive specific career guidance.
Next year 2020 will be the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, but TSI 2020, which aims for a new 10 years, is scheduled to start on July 7th to 14th, just before the opening of the Games. We would like to continue to develop and grow the physical education TSI as a program of international exchange at the University of Tsukuba.
【participated universities in TSI 2019】University of Queensland, University of Sao Paulo, University of Strathclyde, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire,California State University - Los Angeles,Seoul National University, Korea University,Manav Rachna International University,University of California-Irvine,Technische Universitat Dortmund, The Ohio State University,Kent State University,Brock University, University of Western Australia, State University of Campinas, National Institute of Fitness and Sports in KANOYA,University of Tsukuba