

Request for voluntary restraint, etc. toward the prevention of the spread of infection

April 3, 2020

To: Students, Faculty Members, and Employees

Request for voluntary restraint, etc. toward the prevention of the spread of infection

Today, there was a request for COVID-19 measures from the President of The Japan Association of National Universities. There is also the "Request to the residents of Ibaraki Prefecture in regard to COVID-19" as of April 2 from the prefecture.

The voluntary restraint of students is being asked by the President of JANU and Ibaraki Prefecture is urging 9 municipalities within the prefecture including municipalities close to Tsukuba Express and Joban Line to exercise a voluntary ban from leaving home unless absolutely necessary during the weekend (April 4 and 5) and at night during the weekdays (until April 10) based on the rapidly advancing spread of infection in urban areas including Tokyo.

We would like to ask students, faculty members, and employees to accommodate these requests for a voluntary ban from leaving home unless absolutely necessary after checking these notices, etc.

INAGAKI Toshiyuki

Vice President for General Affairs

COVID-19 Response Team

Related Link

Ibaraki Prefecture: 365体育投注感染症について県民の皆様にお願いしたいこと (Request to the residents of Ibaraki Prefecture in regard to COVID-19)

The Japan Association of National Universities: 365体育投注の対応について(依頼) (Request for COVID-19 measures)