

President NAGATA attends the Global University Leaders Council Hamburg 2021

The Global University Leaders Council Hamburg 2021, hosted by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), K?rber-Stiftung, and Universit?t Hamburg, was held online for four days from June 1 to 4. President NAGATA Kyosuke attended.

In the main session on June 2 and 3, about 40 major university leaders from all over the world engaged in in-depth discussions on "The Role of Universities and their Leaders facing the Grand Challenges of Climate Change and Sustainability."

This year's conference was held online in response to the difficulty of moving people and interacting face-to-face due to the effects of the spread of COVID-19. Still, it was a good opportunity to re-confirm the connections with universities worldwide that have been built up to now beyond the time difference and physical distance.

In a COVID-19 and a post-COVID-19 world, further promotion of the exchanges with the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), K?rber-Stiftung, Universit?t Hamburg, and participating universities from all over the world are expected.

photo of President NAGATA

during the meeting

online screen