Delegation from National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan, Visits the University

On August 8, five faculty members and employees, including President Tsai-Yen Li, Professor Chieh Ju Lu, and Professor Ping Hung Sun of National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan, and nine students in the Bachelor Program of Sport Industry and Culture visited the university.
The purpose of this visit was to review the past exchanges between the two universities and to strengthen the partnership between the two universities. The delegation was welcomed at a lunch meeting by Vice President for Research SHIGETA Yasuteru, Director General OHNEDA Osamu of the Bureau of Global Initiatives, Director SAKURAI Takeaki of the Office of Global Initiatives, Director SAKURAI Tetsuya of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (C-AIR), Professor FUKASAWA Koyo, Associate Professor KOGANEZAWA Tadachika (Director of Taiwan Office/Advisor to the President), Specially Appointed Professor KIJIMA Joji, students of the School of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, Master's Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, etc., and short-term exchange students from National Taiwan Normal University.
After the lunch meeting, President Li, Vice President Shigeta, Director General Ohneda, C-AIR Director Sakurai, Associate Professor Koganezawa, and Specially Appointed Professor Kijima held an opinion exchange session. C-AIR Director Sakurai explained about AI research at the university, and they exchanged opinions about university management, university-level internationalization strategy, and internationalization of administrative organizations. Prof. Lu, Prof. Sun, and the students were also guided by Prof. Fukasawa on a tour of the Advanced Research Initiative for Human High Performance (ARIHHP) and the Sport Performance and Clinic Laboratory (SPEC). Other events included an introduction to the initiatives of the Bureau of Physical Education and Sports, Olympic and Paralympic studies, and an overview of the School of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, as well as a social event among students and a tour of the Physical Education Gallery and other facilities.
We look forward to continuing to strengthen our partnership with NCCU.