Research News
Risk Factors Associated with Deteriorated Ambulation Status Following Different Conservative Treatments for Spinal Compression Fractures

Researchers at University of Tsukuba investigated various risk factors contributing to the decline in daily living independence following conservative treatment of osteoporotic vertebral fractures, commonly known as spinal compression fractures. These risk factors were examined in relation to the specific treatment administered. The results revealed that greater vertebral instability, as evidenced by X-ray imaging, and diffuse low-signal changes in T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) observations were unique risk factors associated with early ambulation and two weeks of bed rest, respectively.
Tsukuba, Japan—Osteoporotic vertebral fractures, also known as spinal compression fractures, are the most common types of fragility fractures in older adults. Typically, initial treatments for such fractures involve conservative therapy such as, bed rest and rehabilitation with braces without surgery. These treatments aim to help patients maintain independence in daily living. It is observed that the patients' ability to walk often deteriorates after such fractures, necessitating assistance or a wheelchair. While certain associated risk factors have been identified, the differential impacts of various conservative treatments on ambulation status remain underexplored.
To address this, a researcher group at the University of Tsukuba performed a post-hoc analysis of a prospective cohort study that assessed the effectiveness of conservative treatment, which involved a two-week non-weight-bearing period (bed rest) for acute osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Using multivariable analysis, the researchers identified various risk factors associated with deteriorated ambulation status and daily living independence following fractures.
The results revealed that during the conservative therapy in which patients were encouraged to begin ambulation without bed rest, the risk factor responsible for deteriorated ambulation status was high vertebral instability. This instability was quantified as the difference in the collapse degrees of fractured vertebrae, as apparent in X-ray images, between the standing or sitting and supine positions. Conversely, during the conservative treatment that involved an initial two-week non-weight-bearing period, diffuse low-signal changes in T2-weighted MRI observations were identified as risk factors. These changes were apparent as black regions in the vertebral body, which is normally white. Notably, this is the first study to demonstrate that different conservative treatments for osteoporotic vertebral fractures are associated with distinct risk factors for declined ambulation status.
Although various conservative treatments for osteoporotic vertebral fractures are already available, the findings of this study could to help predict whether a patient's ability to walk will be affected by these conservative treatments.
The primary study received a research grant from the Japan Osteoporosis Society.
Original Paper
- Title of original paper:
- Exploring factors affecting activities of daily living in patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures managed conservatively: A post-hoc analysis of a prospective cohort study
- Journal:
- Asian Spine Journal
- DOI:
- 10.31616/asj.2024.0091
Assistant Professor FUNAYAMA Toru
Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba