
博士課程教育リーディングプログラム第2回ビジネス構想コンペティション ポスター賞
グローバル教育院 Arvin Lapiz Valderrama


グローバル教育院5年一貫制博士課程ヒューマンバイオロジー学位プログラム(HBP)2年のArvin Lapiz Valderrama氏が,博士課程教育リーディングプログラム第2回ビジネス構想コンペティションにおいてポスター賞を受賞しました。

平成29年2月27日(月)に,博士課程教育リーディングプログラム第2回ビジネス構想コンペティション*が,東京工業大学の主催でベルサール東京日本橋にて開催されました。ヒューマンバイオロジー学位プログラム(HBP)から5組のペアが参加し,2年のArvin Lapiz Valderrama氏と1年の坂本航太郎氏の「Technology for Broader Dimensionsペア」がポスター賞を受賞しました。HBPとしては,2年続けての受賞になります。

Arvin氏と坂本氏は,HBPの科目Appropriate Technology(担当:入江賢児教授)を履修し,今回発表したビジネスアイディアのシーズを考案しました。発表内容については,下記のコメントをご覧ください。

Appropriate Technology(適正技術教育)は,現地のニーズ,文化,環境,人などを考慮したうえで,現地の人に必要とされる最善の技術の創出を目指します。それにより,これからの社会で必要とされる問題解決力,現場対応力,起業力を養う授業です。彼らは,HBPの海外渡航支援を使用し夏休みにフィリピンとベトナム,福島を訪れ実際に現地の方とコミュニケーションを取りながら,その地域が抱える課題を解決することに挑戦しました。


<ポスター賞を受賞したArvin Lapiz Valderramaさんのコメント>
During the competition, there were a lot of interesting projects like advanced AI robots for communication and low-cost life support system, where some have existing patents already. With these kind of competitors, I am a bit surprised that my project won the award because it was initially designed for the Appropriate Technology course so it was meant to be just simple and implemented without cutting-edge techniques. I wanted to improve public transportation, avoid unnecessary haste, and long waiting time of commuters by using a notification device to give real-time location of transport vehicles without using the internet.
This simplified system aims to help even those who can’t read Japanese language, designed to be implemented before the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, where an influx of people (both foreign nationals and Japanese) is expected. Business experts asked tough questions that made me think critically and they pointed out some improvement that could be implemented. Despite being simple and somewhat “low-technology”, the reviewers commended the idea’s uniqueness and affordability. One reviewer mentioned that from his long time of experience in a tech- company he never heard something like my idea and it can have many applications aside from transportation. It was quite a challenge to communicate as some of the reviewers requires translation, so I tried my best to simplify and organize my explanation, also the prototype demonstration helped a lot on making the judges understand what I wanted to do. Overall, the experience was very exciting and productive at the same time as some of the people we knew from the network of mentors and businessmen contacted us after the event for a possible collaborative project in the near future. I really believe that business plan competition is not only about winning the awards but ultimately making the business happen in real life.