On-campus media interview with Professor Emeritus Shirakawa
"Leave it in a natural state"is the professor's words to live by.
Professor Shirakawa visited the University of Tsukuba on October 23, 2000. The lobby of the Administration Center was packed with staff and faculty members who welcomed him. A flower bouquet was presented to Professor Shirakawa by University President Kitahara. After the meeting with President Kitahara, Professor Shirakawa attended a press conference held at the University Hall. The chairperson of the Institute of Materials Science, staff and faculty members and students of the university welcomed him at the entrance of the University Hall.
The press conference was held beyond scheduled time due to many questions coming from 72 reporters from 30 media organizations. Professor Shirakawa responded to all questions with humor.
After the press conference, he visited the laboratory he had worked until the end of March in 2000. He also attended a roundtable meeting. The meeting room was filled with faculty members and students.

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