News List
Nature INDEX Pick-up in January
The Minister-Councilor of the Chinese Embassies in Japan visits President Nagata and Vice President Kigoshi
Delegation from Officials of Universities and the Government in India Visited and Toured the University of Tsukuba
Global Village New Year Party 2019
Nature INDEX Pick-up in December
Science Café on "A story of a set of fossils - Rediscovery of a mysterious mammal, the Paleoparadoxia"
The Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS2018): Exchange at the Students Commons between university students on a visit to Japan from India and our students
Important Notice: About the fraudulent use of the name of the University of Tsukuba
Professor Masashi Yanagisawa Receives the 23rd Keio Medical Science Prize
Notice: Temporary Closure of University of Tsukuba Gallery and Art Space
Tsukuba Action Project (T-ACT) Open Symposium 2018
SAKURA Exchange Program in Science
Notice: Temporal Unavailability of University Website (04:00-05:00 on December 17 (Mon))
Global Village Christmas Tea Ceremony
Rector of UCLouvain visits President Nagata
The 1st University of Tsukuba Ventures Symposium
Leader Training for the Student Groups of Extracurricular Activities for AY 2018
Delegation from Eindhoven University of Technology visits Vice President Benton
The 4th "Collaboration of Word and Culture" Event Featuring Rakugo and Traditional Japanese Music
Announcement for the Students Aiming for Volunteer at the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020